Industries We Serve for SAP Business One

Food & Drinks

Silver Touch has hands on experience on implementing SAP Business One solution in Food and Drink industry. Whether it’s a food and drink retailer, a wholesale and distributor, or a manufacturer. The key challenges faced by this industry include, increased demand for…

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Wholesale & Distribution

Wholesale distributors occupy a middle position in the supply chain between manufacturers and secondary distributors or retailers for a wide range of products & services. This presents challenges to profitability for…

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Manufacturing is a broad term and is the backbone of the global economies. The manufacturing business involves effectively managing product life cycles and fulfilling customer demands. For increased productivity, it requires proper …

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Silver Touch can be your total IT Solution partner and supply you with everything from a comprehensive PC based EPOS and back office suite to a single till. Silver Touch can provide you with a complete solution including software…

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Silver Touch Technologies: Facts

  • 1400 +

    Qualified IT

  • 500 +

    Websites &
    Portals Developed

  • 125 +

    SAP Business One
    ERP Implementations

  • 04


  • 100 +

    SAP Business One

  • 10 +

    Years’ in SAP

Our Approach

  • Consult

  • Identify

  • Prepare

  • Deliver

  • Enhancement

  • Support


Meet our
Digital Transformation Expert

Mr. Adarsh Parikh

Associate Director
Silver Touch Technologies Canada
